Have you been heavily involved in church fundraising over the years?  If you have, it’s likely you’ve been through your share of bake sales, cookbooks put together by the ladies of the church, car washes, gigantic multi-family BUR 0929 HT Spaghetti 01yard sales, spaghetti suppers and maybe a few raffles.  There’s nothing at all wrong with any of these methods of raising money, and many are even fun.  Still, it’s a lot of work and planning for activities that often raise just a little money, at best.  If you haven’t tried them yet, discount cards are ideal for church fundraising – and everyone in the church can get involved, from the smaller children to the grandparents.

Sometimes you just need a quick solution that’s profitable, but requires little to no planning or hard work


Church fundraising activities are usually enjoyable for all, simply because of the fellowship and opportunity to get together and have a good time.  However, there are times your church or the youth group may be in desperate need of money quick, and you just don’t have the time or the energy for an elaborate plan or tons of work.  This is where discount cards come in – they’re hugely profitable, require hardly any work at all, and customers love them because of the money they can save with the discounts and special offers provided on the cards.


It’s actually fairly easy to raise hundreds or even thousands of dollars in no time flat with fundraising cards.  Considering you sell the cards for $10 each and profits can go as high as nearly $9 per card depending on number of cards purchased, it isn’t out of the question to raise tens of thousands in a relatively short time period.  On average, someone selling the cards can easily sell 10, and many people sell far more than that.  Imagine if you have 80 or 90 people in your church promoting the cards, and all total 1,200 cards are sold.  This equates to $10,000 in profits!  Throughout all your years involve in church fundraising, have you ever raised that kind of money through bake sales or car washes?
Another problem with church fundraising  is that over the years, the people involved tend to slowly drop out; as the group whittles down, just a few dependable, loyal people keep on going.  This is frustrating, as it puts an enormous amount of work on those few who never give up and keep on ‘plugging’ away.  With fundraising cards, you can often generate renewed interest simply because it’s something easy and fun, and that requires far less work than the things you’ve been doing over the years.  Selling the cards is no problem at all, as their value is very evident to the customer – and those who think fundraising is just no fun or too hard can carry them to school, work, ball games, literally anywhere in a pocket or billfold.

Sure, everyone gets tired of the “same old same old,” that’s just human nature.  However, church fundraising can be fresh and fun again, and more profitable than ever before with cards that offer discounts and buy-one-get-one-free offers at local merchants in the community.  Breathe new life into your church fundraising efforts with discount cards, and see those in your church get excited about participating again.  Best of all, it’s hugely profitable and a product potential customers are happy to buy because of the money they will save for an entire year!



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