When it comes to church fundraising, the possibilities are literally endless. There are so many products you can promote, activities to engage in, even online ideas that will allow you to raise funds for your church’s money needs. However, there is nothing that we know of that compares with the power of discount cards, particularly when it comes to ease of selling and profitability. If you’re ready for some fresh ideas, here are a few that will get your group invigorated and actually looking forward to church fundraising!
Dog walk fundraiser. Have a lot of dog owners in the congregation, along with people who love to walk? A dog walking fundraiser lets you raise funds in a variety of ways. First of all, those who will participate will pay an entrance fee. Additional ways to make money at your dog walking event include a booth selling dog supplies (leashes, dog treats, play toys, food dishes, etc.) a food and drinks stand for people, even a raffle. You can also add discount cards to the mix – everyone loves them, because they allow the cardholder to save money on products/services they purchase throughout the year.
Yard raking/cleaning. Fall is here, and it won’t be long before lawns are covered in leaves.Those who are elderly often have health conditions (arthritis, breathing problems, etc.) that prevent them from doing vigorous work in their yards. Why not offer to rake leaves, pick up sticks, limbs, and rocks and otherwise clean up properties for a donation? Most would be glad to have their yards cleaned up for a fair price! You may want to consider doing other things for seniors, such as running errands, doing some odd jobs or minor repair work, etc.
Discount cards. Church fundraising has never been as fun or profitable as it is with these value-packed cards. Customers will buy easily without having to be persuaded, simply because they understand the value the cards represent. Your group simply coordinates with the company selling the cards, which will secure merchant participation for you if you wish (usually 12 or more offers listed on the cards). Offers on the cards are good for one year from date of purchase, so customers enjoy savings all year long. Profit margins are huge, merchants benefit from increased exposure, and it’s easy – no heavy planning or work as is typically found with other fundraising methods.
Of course there are always candy bars, church cookbooks, bake sales, auctions, church photos, church calendars, wrapping paper, candles – the list goes on and on. While nearly anything you do will help with your church fundraising efforts, you will find that the profits explode when you include fundraising cards. People love them (after all, where else can you spend $10 and potentially save hundreds), and you’re likely to find that those same customers who purchase from your group will do the same next year! This is a product that has been around for decades, and is sure to be around for future decades simply because there is no other product or service that is win-win all the way around, for all parties involved.
Sure it should be profitable, but most of all, make sure church fundraising is fun! Enjoying great fellowship, a few laughs and a good time ensures that you will have plenty who want to participate in next year’s fundraiser.