Archive for spirit cards

 Although spirit cards have been around for ages, it’s amazing that some groups and organizations still have not tried them when fundraising time rolls around.  School clubs and organizations, church groups, sports teams, the school PTA – there are countless organizations that could benefit tremendously through using spirit cards.  If you haven’t tried them out yet, you may not realize all of the advantages or the huge profit potential.  You may find the facts below interesting, particularly if you are looking for an easy, almost fool-proof way to raise a large sum of money quickly.
Here’s what you may or may not know:CHAPBack
Making the sale is easy.  How easy is it to sell cookie dough these days?  Considering they’re not really a “necessity” and a lot of people are living on limited budgets, most don’t let go of their hard-earned money easily.  Spirit cards offer incredible value to the customer, which they realize once they see all of the great “deals” at local merchants listed on the backs of the cards.  Because they can save money over a one year time period from the date of purchase, they know that they will save far more than the $10 they spend on the card.  Additionally, the great deals and money-saving offers are on products and services that most people consider normal, everyday purchases like hair cut/coloring at the local salon, fast food/restaurants, car services/oil changes, family activities, even the local florist. When the customer sees the real value in something, it makes the selling super-easy!
You really DON’T have to work for weeks or months to prepare for your fundraiser.  Think about the work involved in creating a church cookbook, or even holding a church bake sale.  Even selling candy bars or cookie dough has its drawbacks, considering the boxes you have to transport back and forth from here to there, storage issues, and spoilage concerns in hot, humid months.  And catalog sales?  That’s a whole other story, and can be a nightmare if orders aren’t processed correctly.  With spirit cards, you simply decide on which merchants in the local community you want to participate, and once they commit you’re ready to have the cards printed up, shipped to you, and start selling.  The card company can even handle the work of contacting the merchants if you prefer.
Greater profits in weeks, not months.  With spirit cards, the profit margins are truly incredible, particularly if you have a larger group who will join in the selling.  While profits start out at $5 per card, the more you 
moneyorder and sell, the higher the profits go.  In fact, you could easily find that your group earns $7, $8 or more per card which adds up fast in comparison to making $1 or two on a chocolate candy bar. As we have already mentioned, the selling is easy – which means between customers’ eagerness to buy and huge profit margins, you can raise the amount of money you need far quicker than with other fundraising methods.  The old saying “Work smarter, not harder” certainly holds true in this case!
Are spirit cards a fundraising method you should consider?  Unless you just like to work extra-hard for less profit, absolutely!  Give it a try for yourself, you will be convinced in no time at all of the power of these handy little cards. 

Spirit cards have long been a reliable way for football, soccer, and basketball teams to raise funds when they need them.  However, these fundraising cards aren’t limited to sports teams only – cheerleaders, the drill team, the school band and other groups use them as well, as they’re a super-easy way to raise a substantial amount of money in a relatively short period of time.  If your grade school, junior high or high school club or sports team is looking for something different and reliable, count on spirit cards!

If you’re not familiar with them, here is some information that will enlighten you about this long-time favorite method for raising funds.

Easy selling.  Most kids and teens aren’t too keen on selling a product that’s going to really take some salesmanship.  Unless you’re a car salesman, it’s natural not to like the feeling that you are “shoving” a product down a potential customer’s throat.  With spirit cards, the selling is easy because the cards are clearly valuable to the customer, who is glad to buy without much persuasion.  The cards offer substantial discount savings on fast foods, car services, hair salon services, and other products/services that most people spend money on regularly, what you would consider necessary purchases and not frivolous.

Little planning or work involved.  Let’s face it; for the most part, kids don’t like to do things that involve a substantial amount of planning or work.  Just give them the product, and let them sell it wherever they like, whether it’s at ball games, at the mall, at the movies, around the neighborhood or community, or wherever they “hang out.”  With spirit cards, the kids don’t have to spend a lot of physical labor like is usually the case with car washes and other fundraising methods.

Amazing profit margins.  If yours is like most schools, chances are there have been dozens of occasions over the years where various sports teams and other school clubs or organizations have sold candy bars.  Sure, candy bars are delicious and everyone loves them – but just how much money can you raise at $1.50 or $2.00 per candy bar?  Not to mention you leave the box sitting somewhere, come back in a bit and a few of the bars are missing, meaning someone has to pay for what has mysteriously disappeared.  With spirit cards, the profit margins are truly incredible, and since the kids can tuck them away in a pocket, wallet, or even a backpack, there is little chance of any of the cards going missing.

At $10 per card, your sports team or group will enjoy at a minimum $5 per card profit – and that is if you only order and sell a small number of cards.  Order more, and the profits continue to grow; in fact, you can actually enjoy profit margins that are greater than 100%, due to the fact that you get 200 free cards for every 1,000 you order.

Are you now convinced that your sports team or other school organization should give spirit cards a try?  There truly is nothing easier, more profitable, or that customers are willing to buy without hesitation.  When you’re dealing with small children or teenagers, the easier something is, the better the results – and the more the kids will want to get involved.

groupSports teams, school and church groups, PTA organizations and many others use spirit cards to raise money, something that many groups have to do when donations from individuals and businesses are slow.  There are so many benefits to using these cards versus other methods commonly used to raise funds, some of which we’ll mention below.  Fundraising can be easy and fun, or it can be a dreaded task that requires tons of planning and work.  Essentially, it’s whatever you make of it!

So, what are the advantages of using spirit cards over other fundraising methods for organizations in need of money?  Here are just a few:

Profitability.  Sure, any product your group chooses to sell has some profit, but just how much?  For instance, if you sell candy bars at $2 each, your organization might enjoy $1 per bar profit.  This means that in order to raise $1,300, your group would have to sell 1,300 candy bars.  However, with spirit cards it’s far easier to raise $1,300 and it can be quickly accomplished, too.  Sell 260 cards (which can be easily done if you have just 20 or 25 in your group), and you’ve made that $1,300 in no time flat.  Why is it quicker to raise a certain amount of money than with other products?  Because of the value perceived by the customer, which makes the cards a much easier sell than most other “non-essential” products.

church youth fundraising

 Easy process involves little preparation or work.  Think about all of the preparation involved in some of the other fundraising methods you may have used.  Bake sales, multiple-family yard sales, spaghetti suppers, catalog sales – it goes on and on.  Even selling other products like cookie dough, jerky and popcorn isn’t easy, as with some you have to take orders, collect money, then deliver the goods at a later date.  With candy bars, lugging boxes around gets old and can be quite cumbersome.

With spirit cards, you simply figure out how many cards you will need by determining how many people will participate in the selling, order your cards from the company creating them, and start selling when they arrive!  If
you would rather not contact the merchants yourself to ask if they would be interested in participating, the company will do that for you.

Repeat customers each year.  Those who buy the cards often buy them year after year, because they offer great deals and money-saving offers at local merchants.  Most people recognize a bargain, and would much rather spend money on a product that actually helps them save money than on something they really don’t need or want.  Sure, some people will buy jerky or cookie dough simply to help out your group or organization, but it’s usually out of the goodness of their hearts rather than a real need for the product.  Spirit cards actually offer value and the opportunity for the customer to save a lot of money on things they would normally purchase on a regular basis.

fundraisingWhen you’re in a quandary and looking for a way to raise funds that is easier and more profitable than anything your group has ever done before, consider spirit cards.  It’s clear to see the advantages over other common methods used to raise funds!  Your organization will love the ease, customers will love the savings, merchants will love the free exposure.  Overall, a good choice when you want to take the easiest, most profitable route to the funds your group needs.