With church fundraising ideas, it often seems that we get stuck in the same old rut time after time; spaghetti suppers, raffles, bake sales, car washes and so on are so common now, and people are looking for new ideas. Whether you need to raise $100 or $5,000, there are countless ways to make your church fundraising efforts more successful and more enjoyable. This article offers tips and ideas that take you outside the box for a bit, and enable you to raise the money you need in new and exciting ways.
Here is a church fundraising idea you’ve probably never thought of – social media class! In today’s society, nearly everyone communicates online with friends and family. If you have a member or two in your church who is experienced in the workings of Facebook or Twitter, set up a classroom where the elderly of the church and other members can participate and learn how to keep in touch with grown children, grandchildren and friends. You can determine how much to charge based on how long the class is and how involved. If the first class goes over well, you may decide to have a second session that involves additional sites and more involved information.
Another fun church fundraising idea is to have a chili cook-off, since nearly every family has a secret chili recipe that they claim is the best in the world. All who enter should pay a fee, and the winner is entitled to a cash prize, say $50 to $100. Judges for the cook-off could include the mayor, a local dentist, a city alderman or anyone else who may be considered a local “celebrity” of sorts. Have the judges rank not only the taste of the food, but the timeliness in preparing it as well as the technique. Sell samples or entire bowls of the chili to those in attendance. This is a great way not only to raise funds, but to help families by providing an activity that is fun and family oriented.
Church fundraising can get boring and mundane, particularly if you do the same old activities or sell the same products over and over again. Many churches hold fundraisers often, as they need a new building for the youth group, a new church bus, or money to send the young kids to camp every year. There are many expenses associated with many churches, especially those with a large membership. By thinking a bit outside of the normal activities, you can come up with dozens of ideas that will make church fundraising ideas fun and fresh again for all who are involved.
Even the things you have been doing for years can be changed up a bit, so that it seems like something a bit more unique. For example, you might consider holding a “stuffed baked potato” banquet instead of the regular spaghetti supper. Everyone loves a good baked potato when you include chili, bacon bits, shredded cheese, sour cream and all of the works to top it off with.
Sure, you can still sell products on the side, and the more things you can get involved in the faster you will raise the money you need for your project. No matter what type of activities you plan to raise the needed funds, always consider discount fundraising cards. They are super easy to sell, offer great value to the customer, and help you more than any other product because of the tremendous profit margins. When combined with some new activities, discount cards make your church fundraising efforts more profitable than ever. Have a great time with the members of your church while obtaining the funds you need quickly and with little effort.
Mark South
Easy Church Fundraising