Are you tired of selling the same old products every time you need money for the church youth group activities or new equipment?  There are dozens of great church fundraising ideas that will help you raise the money you need quickly and easily.  Of course you want to accomplish your goals in the easiest way possible, and make sure that everyone involved has a good time so that they will participate next time.  If you are fresh out of church fundraising ideas, we have a few that perhaps have never occurred to you.

Of course there are always the good old bake sales and summer car washes that are always effective for bringing in some of the money you need.  Here are some church fundraising ideas you may not have thought of.  It might also work to your advantage to try out several of these ideas in order to raise your funds even faster!

1.  Create a church cook book to sell in your community.  Most people love cook books, and some people even collect those that are full of great homemade recipes.  Have all the ladies (and men) in the church donate their favorite recipes, then compile them in a book that can be sold for $8 or $10.  People in your area will feel good about supporting the church, and getting something they can get good use out of for years to come.

2.  Church fundraising ideas can consist of more than selling physical products.  Consider holding an auction at your church, which can be a great source of the funds you need if you have a large membership.  Members can sign up to offer services such as dog walking, housekeeping, manicures, yard work or running errands, while other members bid on these services.

3.  Ask for support from members of your church that own local businesses. For example, if a church member owns a clothing or retail shop of some sort, ask if they would be willing to donate a couple of dollars each time someone spends $20 in their store.  They can display a sign informing patrons that for every xxx amount of dollars spent, so much goes to the church for their needs.

Some of the more common church fundraising ideas are raffles on items such as quilts, gift baskets, sound systems and other popular items.  You could also hold a church wide yard sale, in which all members donate goods they no longer use or need for the sale.  If your church is located in a remote area or where there isn’t a good deal of traffic, you might want to think about holding your yard sale in an area where traffic is heavier such as a retail merchant parking lot, with their permission of course.

Discount cards are another way to quickly raise the funds you need for your cause, and they are more profitable than many other common fundraising products.  These cards are readily available to the customer upon purchase, and offer a wide variety of discounts on products and services offered in your local area.  People realize they are supporting not only the church, but helping local businesses draw new customers as well.

If you find that you are still in a quandary when it comes to church fundraising ideas, ask all of the members of the church what their thoughts are!  You never know, someone with a creative mind may come up with an original idea that will help you raise the money you need quicker than ever before.

Mark South
Easy Church Fundraising

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