There are dozens of popular church fundraising products and activities that churches use today to raise the money they need for various projects.  The question is, are they really that profitable when you consider the effort and time spent preparing, setting up, selling, etc.?  If you spend weeks or even months preparing for an event, get dozens of the church members involved and when it’s all over you’ve made a couple of hundred dollars, is it worth it?  Church fundraising can be much easier and far more profitable with discount cards!

It’s understandable that many churches prefer to stand by the old tried-and-true methods like bake sales, yard sales and car washes; after all, this does give members of the congregation a time to socialize and have fun.  However, church fundraising is usually done for the simple reason that you need money, so the focus should lie on profitability as well.  Depending on how much money you need to raise, there are various ways you can go about church fundraising to suit that particular project.

If you are only looking to raise $200 or $300, bake sales, cook books and the other common activities may be the way to go.  However, when it comes to projects that require the big bucks like building a new fellowship hall or sending a group of 20 or 30 kids on a week long trip, you may need to go a different route.  Discount cards are the number one church fundraising item today, and for good reason – they’re easy to sell, and they offer unbelievable profits.  Maybe it’s a good idea to determine how much money you actually need before you make a decision on how you will raise the funds.

Why are these cards so popular today for church fundraising?  To put it simply, they offer incredible value to the customer, they are within most people’s budgets at $10, they support merchants in your own community and the profitability spoke of earlier.  In hard economic times like we are currently experiencing, these cards allow the customer who spends $10 to save far more than that amount on local goods and services they would commonly spend money on regardless – and they’re good for one year, so the savings go on.

Let’s make a quick comparison so that you can see how these cards are so profitable for church fundraising. Say you have a group of 20 children and teens that are selling candy bars.  These candy bars sell for $2 each, and cost your group .50 each which means you profit $1.50 on each bar.  If you sell 200 candy bars (on average 10 per participant) your profits are $300.  On the other hand, if your group sells 200 discount cards your profits are $1,000!  Of course we realize that the cards cost $10 and the candy bar costs $2, but given the current economy most people need substantial savings when compared to a candy bar that offers no future value.

Of course you want to continue with many of the church fundraising traditions your church has been using for years; that’s totally understandable.  Why not add discount cards to the mix, or try them on their own when you need to raise a substantial amount of money?  We think you will see just how easy they are to sell, and how quickly you can raise thousands of dollars to go toward your project.  Either way, they’re a great church fundraising item, whether used in conjunction with other products or activities, or completely on their own – give them a try, you will be more than pleasantly surprised with the results!

Mark South
Easy Church Fundraising

Have you been involved in many church fundraising activities and events over the years? If you haven’t tried church fundraising cards yet, you will be amazed at just how easy raising money for your cause or project can be.  It only makes sense that your group wants to raise the biggest amount of money with the least effort; church fundraising cards are the ideal item, and very little work is involved.  Like the old adage “why try to reinvent the wheel”, the same goes for raising funds for your group – why work harder to make less money, when you can work less and earn incredible profits?

There are so many ways you can use church fundraising cards in order to raise the money you need, both online and off.  Most churches hold their activities at the church, have bake sales on the parking lot of the local supermarket, or sell products such as candles, popcorn and other goods door to door.  The possibilities with church fundraising cards are literally endless!  Sell them on their own, or in conjunction with other products you are selling.  When you have a car wash or bake sale, offer them to your customer.

These cards are easy to carry around; designed very similar to a credit card, you can carry them in your wallet, pocket or purse so that you have them with you anywhere you may go.  This makes it easy to offer them to anyone, whether you’re eating dinner at a popular restaurant in town or shopping at your local supermarket – who knows who you may run in to!  The convenience and ease offered by church fundraising cards are one reason that they are one of the most popular items used for raising money today.

You can see how easy it would be to sell the cards at any time; unlike candy bar boxes and cookie dough, church fundraising cards can go anywhere you go!  Sell them online for even more profits, and no website is required – just mention them to your friends on Facebook or Twitter, and there is no telling how many sales you may make.  The economy is not in a good place right now, and everyone could use the opportunity to save some cash.

Now that you know how you can sell them, you may want to know what makes church fundraising cards to irresistible to churches, schools and other non-profit organizations.  The answer to that is easy – they’re super profitable!  They also offer something that most people are looking for today, which is the opportunity to save money on food, services and good they would normally purchase anyway.  It’s just a winning situation for everyone involved, from your church to the customer to the merchants of your local community.

Just how profitable are church fundraising cards?  Even for small groups, they are incredibly profitable at a 50% profit margin when you sell only 250 cards.  The more cards your group is capable of selling, the higher the profits soar.  For example, a very large church having 300 or 400 members could easily reach $10,000 in profits, if only 100 of those members participated.  When compared to the money you normally raise with candy bars or cookie dough, there is just no comparison – and it’s so much easier!

Great product, incredible value, exceptional profits and support all around for everyone involved.  Isn’t it time you find out for yourself why church fundraising cards are the number one choice for gathering the funds you need?

Mark South
Easy Church Fundraising

While it may get old after a while, church fundraising can often be a blessing in disguise.  Sure, there is a ton of work involved in many activities, but think how you enjoy the fellowship with other members of the church!  After it’s all said and done, you probably really do enjoy it; wouldn’t you miss those bake sales held in the parking lot at your local supermarket?  Some would, some may not miss it so much because they are ready for a break from the planning and preparation involved.  There is one church fundraising solution that truly IS a blessing, and that is fundraising cards.

Now you may be asking “What?  How could any type of card possibly be a blessing?”  That’s fairly easy to explain, especially in light of the current economic conditions.  Church fundraising should be something you truly enjoy, something that makes you feel good about your efforts and what you are offering to others.  These particular cards offer incredible savings at merchants in your local area, so how many ways can you spread the blessings?  At least three that we can think of at the moment:

The customer gets to save money on ordinary products, food and services they would purchase whether they had the benefit of the card or not.  This means a great deal to many families who are currently struggling to pay the bills!  They pay $10 for the card, and get to save by using it over the next 12 months – imagine the savings!

Another way this church fundraising method may bless those in your community is by providing support and new business to your local merchants.  You know that when businesses dry up and close, it affects the entire community.  There are fewer jobs, hours get cut, and residents may end up moving away in order to find work.  Fundraising cards help drive new customers to the merchants listed on the card, which means an increase in profits – and hopefully a new customer for life.

The third blessing is that of your church and your need for funds for any project or cause you may be undertaking.  Very few church fundraising methods are as profitable and easy as discount cards; in fact, there may not be any activity or product that allows you to make such great profits with a minimum of effort.  Since the cards offer so much value to the customer, they practically sell themselves; after all, who doesn’t want to save money when times are tight?

Actually, there may be a fourth blessing here.  If you really enjoy all of those bake sales, yard sales, car washes, making cookbooks and other activities many churches participate in, why not add discount cards and add even more to the coffers?  They’re a great add-on item, no matter what type of activity you are involved in or what other products you sell.  Here’s a great idea; the next time the teens hold a car wash in the parking lot of a local merchant that sells burgers, shakes and the works, why not offer the cards at the time the customer makes payment?  They can enjoy their clean car, and walk right in to the establishment for great savings.

Church fundraising truly CAN be a blessing, in more ways than one – and discount cards help spread the blessings all over town!  Raise the funds you need easily, help residents of your town save money, and support your local economy by supporting the merchants.

Mark South
Easy Church Fundraising

So often in church fundraising, the same people are the ones who end up doing most of the work every time there is a need for money.  After a while, it can really get old and there is usually quite a bit of preparation and work involved.  How can you put some of the fun and excitement back in to church fundraising, and get those involved who do not normally participate?

Here are a few suggestions – of course, it’s always great to come up with some of your own creative ideas:

Let those in the youth group come up with some new, innovative ideas for raising funds – make it a contest.  Whoever comes up with the best idea wins a small prize, such as $25 in cash or a gift card to their favorite store.

On the same principle, offer a prize to the person who sells the most products, bakes the most baked goods for the bake sale, or submits the most recipes for the church cookbook.

Think outside the box when it comes to church fundraising; in winter months, offer to clean up and burn brush for those in the community for a small fee.  Rake leaves, pick up sticks or just clean up the yard in general.  Run errands for the elderly or disabled; take them to a doctors appointment or clean up the house.  During the warmer months, offer to mow, clean up flower beds, even plant a garden.  There are plenty of things you can do to raise money that people will gladly pay for, as long as the cost isn’t too exorbitant.

Add discount cards to the mix!  When it comes to church fundraising, there is no quicker way to raise the money you need because the cards are so profitable.  Whatever else you decide to do to bring in the funds you need to meet your goals, offer these money-saving cards on the side, or even as your main product.

These cards offer incredible savings to the customer, which is why so many people buy them each year.  The customer is able to save money on fast foods, family activities, car maintenance services, flowers and a multitude of other goods or services they normally pay for throughout the year.

Your church fundraising efforts benefit the merchants in the community as well when you add discount cards to the mix.  Those who buy the card may patronize the merchant for the first time; if they enjoy the product or service offered, they may become a customer for life.  It is important to keep money in your own back yard when you can, and this is a great way to do it.

Another reason that discount cards are great items for church fundraising is that they are easy to take along wherever you go.  Unlike car washes, auctions and bake sales where there is a limited “window” or time frame in which you are going to make money, you can sell a card anywhere at any time.  They’re easy to tote around whether those who participate are going to work, school, to the grocery store or to a ball game.  When a chance to offer a card opens up, you have them right there with you!

Mark South
Easy Church Fundraising

No doubt by now you have heard of church fundraising cards – but has your church actually used them in your efforts to raise money?  If the answer is no, you simply cannot realize the amazing profits and benefits your church is missing out on.  In this article, we will describe some of the incredible aspects of church fundraising cards, and why you need to break down and experience the results for yourself.  Of course, by the time you learn exactly what can be accomplished with this popular and enduring fundraising product, we won’t have to convince you to give them a try!

Here are a few facts about church fundraising cards from various angles:

From the customers point of view – To the customer, church fundraising cards offer real value, which is something you do not find with candy bars, candles, and other common products frequently used in fundraisers.  Since the cards offer discounts and buy one get one free offers on products and services available in the customers own community, they experience substantial savings over a one year time period, and the card costs them only $10!  This is particularly important right now, as many people are out of work and need to save money every way possible.

From the merchants point of view – Church fundraising cards normally offer savings at 12 to 15 different merchants, many of them local to the community. When someone purchases a card, there are often savings and discounts listed at merchants that person may not have spent money with before.  The buyer of the card decides to try out the service or product, whether it’s a burger with free fries or a 20% discount on an oil change.  This means that the merchant has a potential new customer who will possibly come back again and again!  Merchants win with church fundraising cards because they have the opportunity to build their customer base and attract new clients.

From your (the church’s) perspective – Here is the part that is really impressive, and will help you understand why you should give church fundraising cards a try.  The profit margins are huge, more so than any product you have probably used in your fundraiser efforts.  You already know that people love them because of the incredible value they offer; now you can put two and two together:  When you have a product that’s easy to sell AND offers high profitability, it means that you can literally bring in the amount of  money you need for your project in record time!

Whether you have a small or large group of participants, you will be stunned when you realize how easy this is; when combined with other products and activities you normally use to raise money, the results are outstanding!  Use them alone or in conjunction with what you already do – the ways that you can put church fundraising cards to use are endless.  Truthfully, the only limits to what you can do with these popular money-savings cards is your own imagination.

You may need a few hundred dollars for a new basketball goal for the youth group, or you may need tens of thousands for a big project.  Either way, church fundraising cards should be an essential part of your efforts to raise money.  Having read the above, can you see how these amazing little cards work to support the entire community as a whole?  Now it’s your turn to see just what can be accomplished when you choose a great product!

Mark South
Easy Church Fundraising

If your church is like most, some of your church fundraising activities are growing a little stale, or may not be bringing in the amount of money you need to complete a project.  For decades, people have been depending on the old stand-by’s – bake sales, cookbook sales, car washes, giant yard sales, and donations – to raise the funds they need for the youth group, new altars, even a new fellowship hall.  Unfortunately, it may take a bit more than these trusted activities to raise the money you need.  Here are a few ideas that will help breathe new life in to your church fundraising efforts.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for a while, you have probably heard of discount cards; if you haven’t tried them out for yourself, you cannot realize the incredible profits you are missing out on!  Even in tough economic times like we are in right now, these cards sell like crazy – because they really offer value to the customer.  Naturally, church fundraising becomes much more exciting to those in your congregation who participate when they realize they can do something that is easy and really brings in the funds you need.

How can you use discount cards in your church fundraising efforts?  Here are a few great ideas:

1.  When you’re holding a bake sale in town, display the cards on your tables in a prominent place, so they will catch the interest of those who buy baked goods from you.

2.  Sell them along with the church cookbook, or have the teenagers offer them to customers when they are holding a car wash to raise funds.

3.  Even if you sell cookie dough, candy bars or some of the other common items popular today for fundraising, take the cards along with you and show them to customers!  When they see how much money they can save, they will be persuaded to buy.

4.  Sell the cards on their own!  People love to save money, especially when times are tight – and fundraising cards offer incredible savings on food, haircuts, family activities, oil changes for the car, lots of products and services that everyone spends money on on a regular basis.  Since the price is only $10 and the cards are good for one year, people realize they are going to save substantially more than they paid for the card.

There are literally dozens of different ways you can sell discount cards, and the profits really are amazing when compared to other items.  The one single aspect of the cards that really make them an exceptional church fundraising item is that they are probably the one item that offers the customer real value that they can see for themselves.

Another reason you may want to use discount cards for church fundraising is that they do not require the planning and work that most other activities do.  The company you order the cards from takes care of getting the merchants in your area to participate, prints the cards up, places your church name or logo on the front – and you do the selling!

Mark South
Easy Church Fundraising

Yes, car washes, yard sales and bingo can be fun, and many parishioners get involved – but do they make enough money  to make a huge difference or to be able to replace a roof or refinish the pews??  Perhaps consider adding fundraiser cards to the mix. By participating in both types of activities, you will have still have fun and share fellowship While at the same time Increasing your fundraising profits, Building bonds through creating something substantial and also building ties within the community … oh did I mention the huge margins ?

Church fundraising cards are so easy to sell, and there is little work involved so they are the perfect complement to cook book sales and other activities the church may get involved in to raise funds for their needs.  Consider them the “bonus” on top of whatever you make through auctions, talent shows, donations and all of those common methods of bringing extra money in for those projects.  People do tend to get tired of the planning and work that go in to fundraisers, but then they do it all over again the next time because after all – it is ultimately fun, and it does help raise some money.  With church fundraising cards added in the mix, raising a substantial amount of money becomes much easier.

In a way, you can actually enjoy those other activities you participate in more because you won’t be so worried about the selling end of things.  You know the church fundraising cards will allow you to bring in a considerable amount of cash, so you can relax and enjoy yourself a bit more.  Bake sales offer the perfect opportunity for visiting with people you know in your community; they also offer a great opportunity to offer church fundraising cards!

That’s the beauty of these incredible cards.  No matter what else you may be doing to raise money, they can be included right along with the other products or activities you are involved in.  Church fundraising cards offer incredible value to the customer, which in turn makes them easy to sell.  Who doesn’t want to save money on haircuts, flowers, fast foods, movie rentals and those other products or services you normally spend money on anyway?  You will find that when you have church fundraising cards on display while you are selling your baked goods or cookbooks, you will generate a lot of interest – and sales.

Most people can afford $10, especially when they realize how much they will save over a one year time period.  Do customers perceive candy bars and cookie dough to be of great value?  Not likely – and they know that after they spend $2 or $3, it will be over the lips and straight to the tummy in no time, which means there will be nothing left to show for the money they spent.  With church fundraising cards, people realize that they are supporting the needs of your church, their own local community, and most of all – their own need to save money and stay within their own budget.  It is really the best solution all the way around, not only for your money needs but for the customer and the merchants in your own area.

Why not mix things up a bit?  The next time your church participates in product sales or other activities in order to gather the funds you need for those repairs, new church vans or youth trips, add church fundraising cards to whatever else you have to offer!  People recognize incredible savings and real value when they see it; the selling will be a non-issue, as these cards sell themselves.  Have fun doing those activities that are traditions in your church, and raise the money you need in far less time – the perfect scenario for profits and good times.

Mark South
Easy Church Fundraising

For many people, church fundraising has become a real chore; all of the members who usually participate are getting tired of the same old things like the bake sales and car washes.  It’s often hard to come up with new and exciting church fundraising ideas, but you can if you really put your creativity to work.  You need activities that will be fun, so that plenty of people join in and help you raise the money you need for those expenses that donations from church members just don’t cover.

Churches often rely on various types of fundraisers as that is often the only way to get the funds they need.  Anything you can do helps, such as the good old bake sales, car washes and multi-family yard sales, but there must be something else.  Here are a few church fundraising activities you may want to try out – and they offer fun and fellowship to those that join in as well:

Put on a “talent” show – Many high schools do this at year end.  Have the teens participate in a talent show, where they can showcase their singing, reciting or music talents – or just provide comic relief by having the boys dress up as girls and vice-versa, and participating in a “pageant” where the most beautiful girl (boy) in the pageant with the most talent wins.  Charge a few dollars admission, and everyone who attends will consider it a hoot.

Host an auction at the church.  Have members of the church clean out their attics, storage sheds and other places they keep those “things” they just can’t seem to get rid of, but haven’t used for years.  These items can be donated to the cause.  Advertise the auction on local radio stations, through flyers placed at local businesses and in the newspaper.  You can rake in a good deal of money through these types of auctions, where those who come to get a great “deal” can find all types of things that may interest them!

Church fundraising takes on a special meaning when you get involved in activities that really help those in your community.  Have the members of your church join in to help those that are disabled or elderly in the area.  You can do anything you like, from running errands or doing laundry and cleaning the house to yard maintenance or walking their dog.  If they need it done, your group can handle it – for a small fee.

Have you tried discount cards?  This is one extremely fun and profitable idea, as these cards offer great discounts and savings on products and services that people use every day.  Another great thing about this church fundraising idea is that the savings are offered at the local merchant level, which means the merchants in your own local area experience an increase in business, and the customer gets tremendous savings for an entire year.  Basically, you just order the cards and when they arrive your group starts selling!  Easy profits with very little planning or work involved, which is what many churches are looking for today.

Put these church fundraising ideas to work and brainstorm a few other original ideas with those in your church – great minds can often come up with something new and innovative that has never been done before!  It’s time to put some fun and easy profits back in to church fundraising, so that those in your church actually enjoy it again.

Mark South
Easy church fundraising

If you haven’t witnessed the amazing results that church fundraising cards yield for your projects, you’re missing out on an incredible opportunity to not only raise the money you need easily, but to get more people in your church involved.  It’s natural for people to get tired of the “same old thing.”  Bake sales, car washes, multiple-family yard sales, candy bars – these things all have their place, and are effective for raising money – but church fundraising cards are so much better!

Everyone in your church would be much more willing to participate if they knew they had a product that is easy to sell – and that requires far less work.  Can you imagine how easy it is to carry these wallet-sized cards around in your purse or pocket?  With church fundraising cards, you have an opportunity to sell wherever you are; at school, work, at the local grocery store, or even when you dine out.  It’s just so much easier when you don’t have heavy boxes to lug around, or catalogs and order forms to keep up with.

Another reason those in your church will be excited about any project is that the profit margins are incredible with church fundraising cards; therefore, it takes far fewer sales to equal or exceed what you would have made with other products.  These cards are truly incredible; not only does the customer get a great deal, the entire local community gets extra support.  The offers you typically find on the back of the cards are savings and discounts at merchants in your own neighborhood, so they really benefit everyone which is not something you can say about every product used today for fundraising purposes.

Sure, bake sales and other group activities are great – they allow the members of the church to get together and have a good time.  However, some people just don’t want to get involved because of the planning and preparation necessary; and with the busy lives most people live today, they just don’t have the time.  Church fundraising cards are great to use all on their own, or combined with any other activities you want to do to raise the money you need for your project.

How do you get started with this fantastic opportunity?  Simply contact the company that is responsible for putting the church fundraising cards together.  They will normally contact your local merchants for you, design the cards with your logo or organization name on the front, and ship them to you.  In some cases, you don’t even have to pay for the cards upfront!  It is truly an incredible opportunity for your church; people of all ages can participate, from the elementary age children to the elderly.

Here’s a quick question:  How many candy bars would you have to sell to raise $1,250 – 800, 1000 or more?  With church fundraising cards, you can make this amount of money simply by selling 250 cards!  If you have 30 or 40 in your group that want to participate, you can far exceed that amount; in fact, with this many people you could nearly triple that amount.  By now, it should be sinking in just how profitable – and easy – it is to raise the money you need, without all of the hard work. Ready to give church fundraising cards a try?

Mark South
Easy Church Fundraising

Church fundraising is hard work, and there are likely very few people that would disagree with that statement.  If your church has been going through the motions of raising money for various needs for years, it’s likely you’ve seen more than your share of bake sales and car washes.  After so long, people who usually participate in church fundraising can suffer from burnout; you do the same old things time after time, and the profits may not be that great.  Is it really worth all of the effort in planning and preparing, only to make a fraction of the money you need?  This article offers 3 secrets to a highly successful fundraiser.

1.  Choose a product that people can actually use.  This is really no secret!  Times are tough, and most people have very little extra money to spend so they want something that offers value.  Right now may not be the best time to offer candy bars and cookie dough in your church fundraising efforts.

2.  Get people to participate by offering a prize.  If those in your church are getting weary of trying to raise money for your needs, light a little fire under them to get them excited about the prospect of becoming involved!  Offer a grand prize for the person who raises the most money; you may even want to have prizes for first, second and third place.

3.  Try discount cards either on their own, or in conjunction with your other church fundraising projects.  These cards offer incredible value and savings to the customer, and they will buy the product far more often than something that offers little or no value.  Here’s another little secret (number 4, if you will); they’re super profitable!

When the economy is in bad shape and many people are unemployed, it makes sense to offer something that will actually help them save money on products and services they frequently use.  This is what discount cards are for; they offer discounts and savings on a dozen or more products and services offered by merchants in your own area.  Essentially, your customer realizes that not only are they saving an incredible amount of money, they are helping support their own local community.

While it’s true $10 can be a fortune when you don’t have a job, many people are willing to spend this amount of money simply because they can save 10 times or more the cost of the card on food, car repairs, hair cuts and other necessities.  Plus, this method of church fundraising makes you feel good about yourself, because you realize you really are helping out those in need.

Church fundraising can absolutely be fun, especially when you offer a product that is easy for the participants to sell.  Can you imagine the kids or teens in your church competing against each other to see who can sell the most cards?  Another aspect of this method of raising funds you’re sure to enjoy are the amazing profit margins, which are much higher than what you see with the usual church fundraising products.

Even if you choose to go on with the old tried and true methods of raising money purely because you enjoy it, add discount cards to the mix.  Why not add another source of profit while you’re selling baked goods or holding a giant yard sale?  You can raise all of the money you need for your project in a fraction of the time, and people love a good deal, especially when it offers them a way to save money.  Church fundraising can actually be fun again – and you can quickly gather the funds you need for your next project.

Mark South
Easy Church Fundraising